Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)
Mundaring Primary is in the process of introducing WA Positive Behaviour Support (WAPBS). This program is based on the belief that behaviour expectations are teachable skills and given the right support staff can support students in developing good behavioural traits. The program provides schools with:
The Behavioural Expectations Matrix is based on three premises;
in both the classroom and playground.
Positive incentives are used to recognise students who are demonstrating expected behaviours within the matrix. We will have a focus behaviour every 2 weeks and students will be explicitly taught these behaviours in class. Students demonstrating the focus behaviour at school will be recognised with a Magic 3 Ticket.
PBS Faction Tokens – Students earn Faction Tokens for demonstrating appropriate behaviour. Whole Faction incentives are given for every 2000 tokens earnt per faction. Total to be announced at PBS assemblies.
Magic 3 Tickets - Students Individual Tickets for demonstrating specific focus behavioural skills. The tickets replace the Buzz Awards with one ticket per Teaching Block being drawn at assembly for recognition and a small incentive.
Class based acknowledgments – These are unchanged and include plenty of praise, whole class, and individual incentive systems e.g. sticker charts, acknowledgement by Admin of good work or good behaviour etc.